
the important things in life

– the important things in life

evangelise.org is about what’s important – your future.

What are your goals in life? What do you spend your time doing? What do you want to be remembered for?

Everyone has a future but unfortunately it will always end with the same result, the grave – or so most might say.

Life really does go on after death, and you’ll be left with an eternity living with the consequences of what you do in this life. So what is the most important thing in this life? Take care of your soul.

– where are you headed?

After life on earth, where do you think you are destined, Heaven or Hell. What do you think the requirement for getting into Heaven is?

Please think this question over and continue reading…



– what is your destiny?

Heaven or Hell? Most people will say that there is an after-life, as the evidence around them seems to point that way. Most would also say there is a standard for entering heaven and ‘hope that they pass the test’.

Can you be assured of entry into heaven? Yes, you can. Do you currently qualify? Here’s a quick test.

– the ten commandments

Four thousand years ago men were given a standard to live by. This standard was handed down to Moses and has been the basis of quite a number of religions. As such, the standard is quite well known, but not the relevance for each of us today.

The standard is the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the measuring rod used at the gate of heaven. Anyone who passes the test may enter, anyone who fails the test is left for eternity in Hell.

– million dollar question

So the question is – do you measure up to the Ten Commandments? Let’s have a quick look.

Have you ever stolen something, no matter of how small the value? Copied some music? Taken more change than you should have? Taken a few items home from work? Skipped on some taxes? If the answer to any of these is ‘yes’ then you have failed at point 8 of the 10.

Have you ever lied to anyone? Told a half truth? Held your tounge when the truth should have been told? There is not one of us that have not told a lie, for whatever reason it might be. You can try and justify yourself, but you’ve failed on point 9 out of the 10.

The Bible tells us that if we look at another with lust we have committed adultery in our hearts. Have you ever lusted after someone? That’s failure at point 7 of 10.

And that’s just a quick look. It is also stated in this law that if you fail on one point you have failed on all points.

How do you come up against God’s measuring stick? Will you be headed for Heaven or Hell? The answer for I (the writer), you (the reader) and everyone else in the world is HELL. And you can either make excuses which won’t last very long on judgement day or admit your failing.

Please don’t stop reading at this point

continue on, I beg of you…

Hell forever?

– will we always fail?

What can be done about this failing against God standard of the Ten Commandments. Let’s introduce a term for the failing, sin. Sin is when we don’t do what God wants us to do.

There is a solution but we need to look closely and understand the solution. Given that this is the most important thing in life, we cannot take it lightly.

– contrition and remorse

The first step do doing something about our failing is to recognise it. Listen to your conscience, don’t try and argue a point to try and prove that you’ve kept just one of the Ten Commandments. Realise you sin and feel sorrow for it. Feel sorrow for your destination, an eternity in hell is not what you want or what God wants.

Step 1 is complete when you come to God feeling contrition (a deep anguish and remorse, with genuine wish for amendment) for your sins. This isn’t the solution, but it is needed before the solution can be useful.

– don’t forget

Don’t forget your sorrow. It doesn’t mean you won’t sin again, we all sin, all the time, but it means that when you do you will recognise it and you can try to correct it.

At this point you may think, I know that I fall short of God’s standard, but what can be done? No-one can uphold the Ten Commandments so where is the hope? There are so many religions out there that claim to have the answer, so what do we do next?


– which god

If you have realised the sin that you face and have come with contrition to God you need to know who you are apologising to. Many will try to provide different answers to these questions, but let’s try to find the right one.

– reaching out to God?

When you think about the law of God, the Ten Commandments, it should be apparent that man cannot make ammends for his sins. No matter what you or I do we cannot wipe away the sins from the past and will not be able to live a sinless life in the future.

Religion is based around man trying to make himself right with God. Through rites of prayer, sacrifice, fasting and other rituals religion is man trying to make up for his failings. This cannot and will not work.

– God reaching out to us

If man cannot reach God then the only options is for God to reach down to man. Indeed this is what He did. God sent His son Jesus as a perfect sacrifice to forgive sons, Once for all. Jesus lived and walked on this earth to lead a sinless life and to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Through Jesus we are made sinless so that we can have a relationship with God.

Jesus, also called Christ, is the head of the body of Christ, also called Christian (meaning ‘of Christ’). Christianity, or the following of Christ, is not a religion as it doesn’t offer man ways of reaching God. Instead it is simply a body of people accepting God’s free gift of forgiveness.

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